Pioneering Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells for a Sustainable Future
Project Description
LUMINOSITY is an industry driven project aimed at leveraging the flexible perovskite solar cells (PSC) technology to commercially relevant production scales, using established industrial processes.
The objective of the project is to demonstrate roll-to-roll (R2R) processed photovoltaic (PV) module with power conversion efficiency (PCE) of >20% at an area of >900 cm², and thus overcome the efficiency gap between lab-scale and fab-scale processed devices, elevating the TRL up to 7. One of the unique selling points of this work is the commercial substrate foil based on aluminum with fluorinated-tin-oxide (FTO) electrode layer, which is an intellectual property of HyET Solar, the end user in the consortium. By using this substrate foil, LUMINOSITY will alleviate the bottlenecks related to limited process window of typical polymer substrate foils – such as high-quality nickel oxide charge transport layer deposition (requires 300ºC thermal process) – to reach high stability, efficiency, and lower environmental impact, while keeping the flexibility.
The consortium encompasses the full value chain from research and technology developers, equipment manufacturers, suppliers, and industrial end-users. Together, we are well-equipped to surmount the existing challenges that have hindered the widespread adoption of PSC technology. Specifically, LUMINOSITY will achieve operational stability exceeding 20 years that rivals the lifetime of current commercial thin film PV technologies, while ensuring economic (0.14 USD/W at R2R production scale) and environmental feasibility (50% lower CO2 footprint in comparison to c-Si PV), substantiated by comprehensive Life Cycle and Techno-economic Analysis. LUMINOSITY will fast track the market uptake of flexible perovskite PV technology and thus enable rapid increase of PV installation capacity in EU to reach the goals set by REPowerEU plan.
Contact Persons
Project Coordinator:
Ilker Dogan
ilker.dogan(at)tno.nlProject Manager:
Anastasia Grozdanova
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101147653
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