Zinc Oxide Ink

The ZnO ink from infinityPV is optimized for large-scale fabrication of electron transport layers (ETL).


ZnO (zinc oxide) based inks have been developed over a number of years and comprise a refined material that answers the specific needs of the quoted application in terms of both processing method, processing conditions and application.

The inks are reactive but in spite of this they have a long shelf life (several years, see video) provided that the storage conditions and handling methods detailed in the data sheets and the application notes are followed.

All ZnO inks are produced by infinityPV.


Key Features


Specifications and Cost

Doped ZnODoped ZnOZnO (2.8% w/v)ZnO (5.6% w/v)ZnO
SolventWaterMethanolAcetone (or IPA)Acetone (or IPA)Alcohol
Can be dilutedNoNoYesYesNo
Can be concentratedNoNoYesYesNo
Solid content (g l-1)--2856-
Viscosity at 20 oC (mPa s)1.7-1.80.45-0.50< 0.3 (1.9)< 0.3 (1.9)27-30b
Dry thickness @ wet thickness (nm @ µm)100 @ 10100 @ 1050 @ 10100 @ 10100 @ 10
Recommended wet thickness (µm)7-127-107-127-1210-20
Web speed in R2R (m min-1)1-200.2-600.2-600.2-605-60
Drying temperature (oC)80-1402020 (20-70)20 (20-70)50-80
Curing temperature (oC)120-140120-140120-140120-140120-140
Curing time (min)5-105-100-20-22-4
ApplicationETL for ITO (OPV)ETL for ITO (OPV)ETL (OPV/Perovskite)ETL (OPV/Perovskite)ETL (OPV)
Available in sealed ampouleNoNoYesYesNo
Sheet-to-sheet (S2S):
Spin coating++++-
Dr. Blading++++-
Roll-to-roll (R2R):
Rotary screen printing----+

a) depending on system and available in typical ink jet solvent mixtures with viscosities in the 10-30 mPas range
b) other viscosities available on request
IPA = isopropanol
NA = Not available


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