Stable Printed Perovskite/Organic Tandem Solar Cells and Modules for Indoor & IoT
Project Description
The global Internet-of-Things (IoT) market is projected to grow from €440.30 billion in 2022 to €2269.12 billion by 2029, at a compound annual growth rate of 26.4% in forecast period. The applications of such devices range from smart grids, cities and homes, self-driven cars, wearable electronics and so on.
Such applications require the ubiquitous dissemination of smart devices in everyday objects and environments that are currently powered by batteries, typically heavy, rigid, lifespan limited, made with toxic and scarce materials. In this context, it is highly attractive to develop environmentally friendly, efficient, and low-cost indoor photovoltaic devices which could power the IoT systems alone or in combination with storage systems by simply harvesting the readily available ambient light.
The SPOT-IT project aims at addressing this challenge by developing stable, efficient, and sustainable perovskite/organic solar cells and modules optimized for indoor IoT applications. The tandem concept will guarantee to optimization of the light harvesting along the whole emission spectra of common ambient lighting (i.e.white LED). Our innovative modeling approach combining ‘Design of Experiment’ (DoE) and ‘Life Cycle Assessment’ (LCA) will allow selecting the best performing materials (organic and perovskite-inspired materials) and printing techniques to optimize devices performance with cost-effective and an improved sustainability respect to the currently available commercial solutions.
infinityPV will among other take part in the effort to scale up the process optimized during the project for the realization of PSC. Here, a particular attention will be given to the laser patterning steps to be done on the flexible substrates that will allow to define the single cells of the module reducing the dead area of the devices.
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