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infinityPV at Future Battery Forum 2024: Showcasing Advanced Coating Technology for the Battery Industry
As part of our mission to drive innovation in battery manufacturing, infinityPV was proud to participate in the 2024 Future Battery Forum, held in Berlin on November 5-6.
ISOS15: Showcasing Our Innovations in Organic Solar Cells Stability
From September 30th to October 2nd, we had the pleasure of participating in ISOS15, the 15th International Summit on Organic and Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cell Stability, held in Berlin.
Kicking off the 1st Indoor Photovoltaics Conference (IPVC-1)
Indoor photovoltaics (IPVs) hold significant potential for revolutionizing energy generation and re-use, powering electronic devices, and contributing to the green energy transition and sustainable development.
infinityPV is Sponsoring the Organic Photovoltaics Symposium
We're thrilled to announce that infinityPV is now sponsoring the upcoming symposium “Advancing sustainable organic photovoltaics: from experiments and materials to applications and device models".
infinityPV at LOPEC 2024
We took part in LOPEC 2024, the top event for large-area, organic, and printed electronics. This convention serves as a global hub where key industry players, spanning from application to research, converge annually in Munich. This time, 176 exhibitors from 28 countries and over 2,400 visitors from 48 countries made LOPEC 2024 a major industry event.
Build Your Own R2R Lab Coater
With its modular design, the Laboratory Roll-to-Roll Coater empowers you to customize your system with the components you need. Choose between slot-die heads, flexographic printers, slurry coaters, air knives, drying and curing units, knife cutters, laminators, laser systems and more.
Related Pages
Processing Equipment
We offer comprehensive solutions for printed electronics manufacturing, from small-scale prototyping to large-scale Roll-to-Roll production.
Characterization Equipment
infinityPV equipment is proven instrumentation for the purpose of characterizing and/or testing photovoltaic films, single junction devices and modules.